Market Research


Department of Trade, Industry and Competition

Project Type

Market Research


SME/Entrepreneurship Development


1 year


  • Assess the effectiveness of selected marketing campaigns of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC).
  • Determine the communication needs of target audiences and key stakeholders of the DTIC.

The Approach

We reviewed desk research on key selected projects and other relevant documents and conducted the DTIC’s client engagement workshop for key insights on the project context. We followed up by conducting one-on-one in-depth interviews with key internal stakeholders to understand the DTIC’s processes and assumptions in identifying and selecting export-ready entrepreneurs for capacity building and international trade.

We also conducted qualitative research in the form of focus group discussions to understand the relevance and effectiveness of the DTIC’s communication to them. We reviewed the content, relevance, and platforms of DTIC’s marketing and communication initiatives.

We thereafter conducted quantitative research in the form of CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviews) and CAPI (computer-assisted person interviews). The aim was to investigate the reach of the communication campaigns implemented by the DTIC and analyse the visibility of the DTIC programmes to the broader public and key stakeholders.

The Outcome

An outline of successes and shortcomings of the campaigns and recommendations on how the identified shortcomings should be avoided in future campaigns. The practical recommendations guided how future campaigns could effectively reach the target audience and the produced the type of communication channels and tools that are likely to have high impact for various audiences/stakeholders.